Monday, March 3, 2008

Scared? You will be!


At the time of this entry I have 1 month 9 days 9 hours and 34 minutes until the Flora London Marathon or rather just over 5 weeks.... ARGH!!

I now have my iPod marathon tracks all chosen and my Nike + sensor is ready to go!
I'm still struggling on what my "Power Track" should be (While in the Nike + workout session, by pressing a button on your iPod you stop the current playlist and play your motivation boosting song for when you are flagging).
I was originally thinking of Chariots of Fire, but not only is that a bit too cheesy, I think it may freak people out if I fall into pace of the beat and start some slow mo action.
Still a work in progress methinks.

As for training, I admit it's been a bit patchy, but I've stuck with it. I just hope what I've done is enough! I WILL get to the finish line, even if it takes me 9 years!

Still not worked out what would be best to wear, but thank god my running shoes are fully broken in now, knowing my pathetic skin, this marathon is gonna hurt....lots.
I also need to work out what hat I'm going to use. Since my skin has the ability to suffer from moon burn (A slight exaggeration but it is pathetic, once I managed to get sun stroke from a RAINY CLOUDY DAY and had to be sent home from school the next day). I WILL need a hat of some sort if I'm to prevent myself from turning pillar box red....

So lots to sort but I'm getting there.... just trying to keep the lid on the nerves!


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