Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fiddling about with script!...

Ok after fiddling about with scripts and code and mindbogglingly (try saying that fast..) confusing tech stuff I think I've finally got this blog sorted out... Although knowing me, I'll probably fiddle about with it even more and cause some sort of ugly mess!

Thanks to for the lovely template code for me to mess about with and alter (for better or worse...) and for linking me to some very pretty font sites.

I think I need to learn some more about this code stuff, its interesting but also very frustrating when it doesn't work they way you want it to! But this has been a learning curve, I know Rav (boyfriend) will laugh due to the fact that he could probably do what took me about 5 hours in about 4 minutes! *sigh*
I refused his help as I wanted to prove to myself I could do it... and finally I have (thank god).
I'm quite proud *snigger*

So onwards with the blogging!

I have a small YouTube channel and I wanted to share one of my videos on here. While it isn't the best video in the world it seemed like a good starter for 10...

This is a film of the random snow storm that was unfortunately unforcast and thus unprepared for...
Very pretty, but caused a few traffic problems as it became worse, even the gritters became stuck!

I may split my craft tutorials onto a seperate blog if I post frequently, it makes sense to keep things organised... We'll see...

So until next time...


1 comment:

BecsLifeOnline said...

Shame that snow had turned to slush after a day tho :-( Nice layout btw!