Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Ultimate Blog Party!!

I admit I was forwarded to the ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY!! a while back but me being me, I've only just got around to signing up... Well its a known fact that all the great bloggers arrive fashionably late :P *ahem*

Thanks to Bec for poking me to get organised!

To celebrate not only the whole partay (Yes that is how its pronounced :P) but also my recent motivation to actually do some essay writing (shocking I know...)
I'm going to steal Bec's idea and have a mini competition...
The prize is one of the following:

Cat, Dog, Mouse!

Seahorse Earrings

If you have a retro pixel character that you like (depending on the seed bead colours I have available atm) I'll make you one :)

In order to win all you need to do is post a comment in the form of a limerick based on an animal(s) the winning limerick will be chosen by The Boyfriend in two weeks time...

Have fun!

So until next time



Deena Peterson said...

Welcome to the party! It's been fun all week long...can't believe how many we have to party with!

Dannye said...

thanks for having us over during the blog party, what great fun we are having...

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

How cute! Have fun at the party

My Trendy Tykes said...

A pig cannot, like you, do without

That snufflingly sensitive snout.

You could, if you chose to,

Search mud with your nose, too,

But, goodness, you’d look like a lout!

(lol I cheated a little)


BecsLifeOnline said...

A cat who once liked to eat prawn,
Ate some that tasted of corn,
His stomach in pain,
He vowed "Never again!",
Then threw up all over the lawn.

BecsLifeOnline said...

Just before anyone from the States complains that mine is not a proper limmerick because "prawn" and "corn" do not rhyme... I'm British and here they do rhyme ok? Hahaha... Enjoy the party peeps!

The Estrogen Files said...

Halloo from the party! Here's my limerick:

A flea and a fly in a flue

Were caught, so what could they do?

Said the fly, "Let us flee."

"Let us fly," said the flea.

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

EEEEMommy said...

There was a nice girl with a blog,
who liked to make earrings of frogs,
when one wouldn't do
she had to make two,
and now they are sitting on logs.

Ha, that was pathetic! I have NO IDEA how to write a LIMERICK! I should since I'm part Irish.
Cute idea, I tried!!!! :(