Friday, March 2, 2007


Time for the second WTF Factor Friday entry!

Yet another YouTube video, but this time with a more surreal artistic edge.
It is a stop animation short by Jan Svankmajer the well known Czech surrealist artist.

This video has been taken from his animated short film Jídlo... this particular section is entitled "Breakfast"

A brilliant surrealist film from 1992... I recomend you watch it

A New York Times review stated that:
"Svankmajer conceived the film in the 1970's, when it seemed too risky a politcal allegory to be made. . . . it now seems too simple a statement about how people are devoured by mechanistic states and each other"

Without going into too much art analysing mode... While I agree that the ideology is slightly dated, I think it is still a powerful and valid statement portrayed in a unique and visual way.... but it still lets you beg the question: WTF?!

So until next time



BecsLifeOnline said...

WHAT THE HELL??? Nic! How on earth do you find these? Yeah this has definitely got the WTF Factor vote from me... so far!

The Estrogen Files said...

Seriously, WTF doesn't cover it! Bec pointed me over to your site for the Blog Par-tay, so here I am! Come on over to The Estrogen Files sometime!