Saturday, June 2, 2007

Random Update

Yes I am still alive!

Just been a bit MIA from the blogsphere due to REAL LIFE commitments...
After months and months... and MONTHS of trying to sort out my MA course I think I'm finally sorted out... hurrah! So I should be free soon to procrastinate without worrying about my course being screwed up. As soon as I know more I'll go into more detail, for now mum's the word ;)

This absence has also meant that I've missed a couple of WTF FACTOR FRIDAY's.... I will try and make that up but instead of doing extra ones, I'll just carry on as normal, it seems the best way.

I've become slightly addicted to mashups at the moment... For those that don't know, a "mashup" is defined as:

Mashup (music), a musical genre of songs that consist entirely of parts of other songs

So I have this example (Introduced to me by Bec... thanks Bec) to share by Lenlow:

powered by ODEO

People either love it or hate it... I'm from the former section :D Actually Lenlow's stuff is pretty nifty... have a gander here

I've noticed the past couple of posts seem to be very music related and very little crafting seems to be going on! I'll try to cure this immediately, as soon as my course is definately confirmed as being sorted I can relax and procrastinate surrounded by all my craft materials... joy!

Yesterday was the cocktail night! Hurrah! Had a couple of cosmopolitans, and a martini or two... while playing the Sex & the City drinking game (Not a huge fan of the show, but I'll watch it). For some rules have a look here

Bec bought a brilliant bar accessories:

YUM! Appletini anyone? :P Fun times!

Oh and since I seem to be so obsessed with music at the moment, I thought I would embed this too... (Might as well :P) Its Ameno by ERA but the Techno remix... I LOVE it but I can't seem to find this particular remix, if anyone knows where I could find it I'll buy you a pint!

I'm still in two minds about which blog player is better... I know there's a fair few out there, I've narrowed my choices but I still can't decide so I open it out to you: imeem or odeo?

So until next time!



BecsLifeOnline said...

Mash-Ups rock! And looking at that picture makes me want a Cosmopolitan right now ha ha.

BecsLifeOnline said...

Btw... I think I prefer imeem.